What sports injuries can Dr. Zimmerman help with?
Chiropractors are trained to manually adjust the spine to improve function. Dr. Zimmerman helps align these bones and creates balance. Injuries of the neck, back, knees, ankles, or shoulders can all be addressed with chiropractic care. Sprains, falls, strains, tendinitis, or chronic pain are all within the scope of practice.
Athletes in every kind of sport can experience aches and pains. Cyclists can suffer from back injuries from crashes or simply from riding sitting in a hunched position. Golfers often experience low back pain from swinging their clubs. Runners experience hip, knee, and back issues from pounding the pavement step after step. Swimmers may experience low back or shoulder injuries due to the crawl or breastroke. The constant turning and twisting of the body during tennis aggravates the back, elbows, and shoulders. And, during strength training, you might experience strains or throw your back out from improper technique or lifting weights that are too heavy.
You don’t have to be an elite athlete to suffer a sports injury though. Avid gym goers, club team players, and weekend warriors benefit from chiropractic care, too.